Size- 5*6 FT
“AGNI KAVACH” brand indigenous water gel blanket is a combination of
therapeutic gel that is non-toxic, bactericidal, water soluble and
biodegradable and 100% woolen blanket. The woolen blanket is capable of
retaining gel up to 13 times of its own weight. The gel used in this blanket
is made of herbal and natural products. The water Gel blanket is packed in
good quality canister.
This AGNI KAVACH blanket is tested at NBCD School, INS Shivaji,
Lonavala, Indian Navy and approved by Indian Navy, Ministry of
Defence – New Delhi.
For ONGC this blanket was tested at National Test House and SGS for
1500deg C successfully.
1) Rescuing the person trapped in fire by wrapping the blanket.
2) Extinguishes fire.
3) Gel on the blanket starts healing the burn wounds of the victim.
4) In case of emergencies, can also be used to handle hot metals.
Heat Resistance
Temperature: 1500±5°C